The Wang Lab is dedicated to exploring the mechanisms behind the regulation of protein post-translational modifications in cancer and aging, employing chemical biology methods. The Wang lab is affiliated with the Desai Sethi Urology Institute and the Sylvester Comprehensive Cancer Center at the University of Miami Miller School of Medicine.
Selected Publications
Wang, Z. A.; Markert, J. W.; Whedon, S. D.; Abeywardana, M. Y.; Lee, K.; Jiang, H.; Suarez, C.; Lin, H.; Farnung, L.; and Cole, P. A. The Structural Basis of Sirtuin 6-Catalyzed Nucleosome Deacetylation, J. Am. Chem. Soc. 2023, 145 (12), 6811–6822.
Wang, Z. A.; Whedon, S. D.; Wu, M.; Wang, S.; Brown, E. A.; Anmangandla, A.; Regan, L.; Lee, K.; Du, J.; Hong, J. Y.; Fairall, L.; Kay, T.; Lin, H.; Zhao, Y.; Schwabe, J. W. R.; Cole, P. A. Histone H2B Deacylation Selectivity: Exploring Chromatin’s Dark Matter with an Engineered Sortase. J. Am. Chem. Soc. 2022, 144 (8), 3360−3364.
Wang, Z. A.; Millard, C. J.; Lin, C.-L.; Gurnett, J. E.; Wu, M.; Lee, K.; Fairall, L.; Schwabe, J. W. R.; Cole, P. A., Diverse nucleosome Site-Selectivity among histone deacetylase complexes. eLife 2020, 9, e57663.
Wang, Z. A.; Kurra, Y.; Wang, X.; Zeng, Y.; Lee, Y.-J.; Sharma, V.; Lin, H.; Dai, S. Y.; Liu, W. R., A Versatile Approach for Site-Specific Lysine Acylation in Proteins. Angew. Chem. Int. Ed. 2017, 56 (6), 1643–1647.
Wang, Z. A.; Zeng, Y.; Kurra, Y.; Wang, X.; Tharp, J. M.; Vatansever, E. C.; Hsu, W. W.; Dai, S.; Fang, X.; Liu, W. R., A Genetically Encoded Allysine for the Synthesis of Proteins with Site-Specific Lysine Dimethylation. Angew. Chem. Int. Ed. 2017, 56 (1), 212–216.